3D spray


Akrilni brzosušivi visokosjajan transparentni lak vrhunskog kvaliteta sa raznobojnim gliterima. Upotrebljava se za lakiranje svih površina predhodno obojenih akrilnim ili nitro kombi lakom. Pogodan za cvećare i kreativce. Radi biljeg efekta preporučuje se nanošenje na tamnu podlogu.
Ne nanositi na sintetički lak.

Područje pripreme

  • rapid drying
  • transparent for multi-purpose use
  • free of lead
  • very high degree of gloss


  • High-quality transparent acrylic lacquer, containing glittering particles, which produce a special hologram effect. Depending upon beam of light and perspective of the viewer the effect changes the color.
  • Propellant free of CFCs.


  • 150 ml are sufficient for approx. 0,6 m²


  • dust-dry after approx. 10 minutes
  • tack-free after approx. 20 minutes
  • touch-proof after approx. 30 minutes
  • thoroughly dried after approx. 24 hours


  • 210 ml Euro-can containing 150 ml

Product specification

The durable high-tech acrylic quality makes the paint particularly user-friendly. Tamper-proof cap avoids unauhorized use.

Instruction manual

Before using the can, read and observe carefully the handling instructions!

Preparation of the ground:

The underground must be free of grease, clean and dry. If necessary, apply a basic coat. Best effect will be achieced on a dark surface.


Mask off areas not to be painted. Shake can for 3 min. Test spray. Spray several thin coats on the claen and dry surface until the desired effect is achieved. Spraying distance approx. 30 cm. Overspray with DUPLI-COLOR 2-coat clear laquer or Zapon Spray after 10 minutes. Apply another clear lacquer coat after 30 minutes drying time and after 24 hours. The coating with clear lacquer is absolutely necessary, as this protects the glittering parts, makes the surface even and abrasion-resistant and gives an optimum, durable gloss to the paintwork.

Not to be applied on synthetic resin paint.

Examples for use



 Color   Product   Bundle   Art.No. 
  *  3-D-Effekt Spray 150  150 ml  888946
* no color identification possible

The presentation of colors may deviate from the original color.