

Nudimo paletu visokokvalitetnih temperturnootpornih lakova kao i bezbojni temperaturnootporni lak

Područje primene

  • 300º/500º/600º/800ºC
  • Transparentan, crveni, plavi, beli, sivi, crni i srebrni
  • Poseban lak za delove izložene visokim temperaturama
  • SUPERTHERM bezbojni lak pogodan je za zaštitu motora
  • Pogodan je i za hobi potrebe ( peći )


  • Brzosušiv, temperaturnootporan, izuzetno prijanja uz površinu
  • Vodootporan
  • Otporan na habanje i gorivo ako se lakirana površina izloži minimum 1 sat temperaturi od 220º C
  • I bez izlaganja visokoj temperaturi, lak zadržava izuzetno jaku zaštitu površine


  • Količina od 150 ml dovoljna je za oko 0,4 m² u zavisnosti od nijanse i debljine nanetog sloja
  • Količina od 400 ml dovoljna je za oko 1.2 m² u zavisnosti od nijanse i debljine nanetog sloja


  • Suv na prašinu posle oko 10 minuta
  • Suv na dodir posle oko 15 minuta
  • Može da se izloži visokoj temperaturi posle 1 sata

Instruction manual

How to use the can

Carefully read note the instructions on the can before using. Clean all rust from the surface to be painted and remove all oil and grease. Rub well with abrasive paper, or sand blast. The surface must be free of all dust and grease, and be quite dry. Shake the can for 2 – 3 minutes before spraying. From a distance of 25 cm spray two thin coats and allow to dry.

Important: the thinner the coating the better the temperatures resistance and adhesion. Do not prime! Do not use on chrome plated parts!

A long period of heat treatment (about 30 mins) at operating temperatures (at least 160 °C) is essential for hardening and correct performance of the paint. Here a few typical temperatures as a

guide: Motor cycle exhaust at the curve, up to 800°C; cookers/cooker pipes, up to 500°C; barbecue grills 500 – 800°C.



Color   Product   Bundle   Art.No. 
 SUPERTHERM black 800°C 150  150 ml  133770
 SUPERTHERM black 800°C 400 400  400 ml  191794
 SUPERTHERM blue 500°C 400  400 ml  339134
 *  SUPERTHERM clear 500C 400  400 ml  685262
 SUPERTHERM grey 600°C 400  400 ml  471544
 SUPERTHERM red 300°C 150  150 ml  348600
 SUPERTHERM red 300°C 400  400 ml  339127
 SUPERTHERM silver 800°C 150  150 ml  133763
 SUPERTHERM silver 800°C 400  400 ml  191770
 SUPERTHERM white 500°C 150  150 ml  133756
* no color identification possible

The presentation of colors may deviate from the original color.