Zaštitni sloj protiv korozije, prajmer i završni premaz u jednom koraku. Daje starim i oštećenim metalima privlačan i izdržljiv, satenmat novi sjaj. Za metalne površine izložene uticajima koji dovode do koroziranja (gvožđe,čeličnilim). Za baštenske ograde, kapije, baštenski nameštaj i alate, opremu za dečija igrališta (ljuljaške, klackalice) i mnoge druge.
•Baza: Sintetička.
•Pokrivnost: U zavisnosti od rapavosti i boje podloge 400 ml je dovoljno za oko 0,8 – 1,0 m²
- High-grade synthetic quality
- Very good rust-protective properties, no primer necessary
- Very good coverage and adhesion
- Good flow, smooth surface
- Quick-drying
- Suitable to paint and repair objects for interior and exterior use
- Weather-resistant, light-proof, UV-resistant
- It is possible, but not necessary, to apply a top coat with synthetic paint
- Basis of the binder:synthetic quality
- Colour:
- Smell:solvent
- Degree of gloss(at measurement angle 60° acc. to DIN 67530):
satin matt, not measurable due to rough texture - Efficiency:
Depending on consistence and colour of the ground:
400 ml are sufficient for approx. 0.8 – 1.0 m² - Drying time (at 20°C, 50% relative air humidity):
Dust-dry: after approx. 20 minutes
Dry to touch: after approx. 2 hours
Cured: after approx. 24 hours
The drying time depends on surrounding temperature, air humidity and thickness of the applied coat. - Temperature-resistant:up to 80°C
- Storage stability:
10 years if appropriate storage provided (=10°-25°C, relative air humidity of max. 60%) - Size: aerosol cans with maximum nominal volume 400 ml
Environmentally compatible: MOTIP DUPLI is committed to apply formulations without restricted or critical ingredients and to achieve best possible performance. The caps and packagings are made of recyclable material.
Disposal: Please mind the residue inside the containers. Completely emptied containers can be used for recycling. If cans are not emptied, they should be disposed off as “special refuse”.
Labelling: All products of MOTIP DUPLI comply with the current status of their labelling regulations. Classification and distinction takes place by the presently legal form of the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) or rather by CLP 1272/2008/EG regulations. Our safety data sheets comply with the current form of REACH 1907/2006/EG, article 31 und appendix II,
The most DUPLI-COLOR spray paints have a so-called no-spray ring or a tamper-proof cap. This is to avoid unauthorized use. Please see the corresponding advises on the cap or on the label.
Before use, carefully read and observe the warning texts on the label!
Preparation of the ground:
- Carefully remove loose parts of old paintings and rust.
- Then sand and remove dust.
- The ground has to be clean, dry and free from fat.
- Cover areas not to be painted.
- Before use, shake the can vigorously for 3 minutes.
- Test spray to check colour-matching and compatibility.
- Spray several thin coats n 2 minute intervals.
- After every applied coat, shake the can again, because the special pigments will sediment rather quickly. This might lead to colour deviations.
- Spray from a distance of approx. 25 cm.
- Best results will be achieved at temperatures around 20°C.
Protect the object and the surrounding area from spray mist.
Temperature should range between +10°C and +25°C, max. air humidity 60 %.
Store in a dry place. Protect from direct sunlight and other sources of heat. Use only during dry weather, in places protected from the wind, and in well-ventilated rooms. Follow the warning texts on the labels!
Color | Product | Bundle | Art.No. |
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DC Iron Mica anthrazit 400 | 400 ml | 405760 |
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DC Iron Mica bronze-grau 400 | 400 ml | 337017 |
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DC Iron Mica eisengrau 400 | 400 ml | 406033 |
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DC Iron Mica grau-rot 400 | 400 ml | 337000 |
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DC Iron Mica hellgrau 400 | 400 ml | 336997 |
The presentation of colors may deviate from the original color.
This application-technological information is given to the best of our knowledge. The notes mentioned herein are, however, non-binding and do not exempt you from own tests to see whether the products supplied by us are suitable for your special application. The use and processing is beyond our control and therefore exclusively in the responsibility of the user. MOTIP DUPLI is let off the liability, unless the liability-based incident is caused by a fault incurred to MOTIP DUPLI.
For any further technical questions call our hotline +49 (0) 62 66 75-266 from Monday to Thursday from 9 h a.m. to 3 h p.m. or on Friday until 12 h p.m.
As of June 30, 2016
This release replaces all eventually earlier issued versions.
Color | Product | Bundle | Art.No. |
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DC Iron Mica anthrazit 400 | 400 ml | 405760 |
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DC Iron Mica bronze-grau 400 | 400 ml | 337017 |
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DC Iron Mica eisengrau 400 | 400 ml | 406033 |
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DC Iron Mica grau-rot 400 | 400 ml | 337000 |
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DC Iron Mica hellgrau 400 | 400 ml | 336997 |
The presentation of colors may deviate from the original color.